Dalyvavimo COST veiklos IC1201 Behavioural Types for Reliable Large-Scale Software Systems (BETTY) valdymo komiteto posėdyje ATASKAITA Vieta: Viešbuči

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Dalyvavimo COST veiklos IC1201 Behavioural Types for Reliable Large-Scale Software Systems (BETTY) valdymo komiteto posėdyje ATASKAITA Vieta: Viešbučio Grand Hotel Palatino konferencijų salė, Roma (Italija) Data: 2014 rugpjūčio 31d. COST Veiklos IC1201 jungtinis darbo grupių posėdis, valdymo komiteto posėdis ir seminaras BEAT buvo organizuoti, kaip konferencijos CONSUR 2014 satelitiniai renginiai. Šis Valdymo komiteto (toliau Komiteto) posėdis buvo penktasis nuo Veiklos pradžios ir trečiasis nuo Lietuvos prisijungimo prie Veiklos. Komiteto posėdis (toliau Posėdis) pradėtas sveikinimu, ir darbotvarkės tikslinimu. Naujų klausimų įtraukta nebuvo. Dalyvavo atstovai iš 17 šalių, todėl konstatuota, kad kvorumas yra. Pirmiausia Veiklos vadovas pristatė ženklią pažangą rengiant Veiklos Darbo grupių state-of-art ataskaitas ir pabrėžė 2015m. renginių kalendoriaus sudarymo svarbą. Veiklos vadovas dr. S.Gay pristatė, kad veikla apima 22 šalis (nes Turkijos prašymas buvo atmestas) ir turi asocijuotą narę - Argentiną. Veiklos vadovas apžvelgė Veiklos biudžetą laikotarpiu nuo 2014 birželio 1 d. iki 2015 gegužės 31 d. situaciją. Šiam veiklos dalyvių susitikimui Romoje išleista 31 500 EUR, vasaros mokyklai Kroatijoje - 39 500 EUR. Būsimiems susitikimams skirta 30`000 EUR, Trumpalaikiams moksliniams vizitams (STSM) 19 200 EUR, sklaidai ir viešinimui 5 500 EUR, valdymo išlaidos 18 800 EUR. Iš viso biudžetą minėtam periodui sudaro 144 500 EUR. Konstatuota kad iki Liepos 1d. jau įvyko 5 Trumpalaikiai moksliniai vizitai. Dr. S.Gay padėkojo Vizitų koordinatorei Dr S. Ghilezan ir Darbo grupių vadovams ir informavo, kad nuo šių metų Vizitų kvietimai bus priimami nebe nuolatos, o organizuojami etapais. Taip pat priminta, kad vykusieji į Vizitus, turėtų tai paminėti publikacijose. Konstatuota, kad Veikla ir toliau gerai išlaiko Lyčių lygybės ir Dalyvaujančių jaunųjų mokslininkų santykį, pažymint, kad į apie 50% Vizitų vyko Jaunieji moksliniai. Dr. S.Gay trumpai apžvelgė klausimus, kurie buvo diskutuoti ICT Domain Annual Progress Conference, kuri vyko 2014 m. Balandžio 23-24 dienomis Košicėje (Slovakija) ir konstatavo, kad specifinių pastabų Veiklai nėra. Pristatyti statistiniai duomenys, kiek lėšų išlaidų kompensavimui grįžta į kiekvieną iš šalių dalyvių. Pabrėžtas COST valdybos siekis ne mažiau kaip 50% lėšų skirti Naujų narių (angl. Inclusiveness countries) subjektams. Aptariant Darbo grupių rezultatus konstatuota kad jie atitinka Veiklos tikslą ir planus, pasiekta ženkli pažanga. Apžvelgiant 2014 m. Liepos pirmą savaitę Veiklos organizuotą Vasaros mokyklą Lovrane (Kroatijoje), konstatuota jos sėkmė. Veiklos vadovas padėkojo visiems organizatoriams ir pranešėjams bei priminė, kad Mokyklos padalomąją medžiagą norintys gali pasiekti ir Veiklos interneto svetainėje. Aptartas ir sekančią dieną vyksiantis Veiklos organizuojamas mokslinis seminaras BEAT, padėkota jo organizatoriams ir dalyviams. Pristatyta, kad kviestinis pranešimas bus skaitomas ne tik BEAT be ir kito seminaro (EXPRESS/SO) dalyviams.

Svarstant Veiklos planą nagrinėti biudžeto, mokslinės veiklos ir susitikimų tvarkaraščio, viešinimo ir H2020 paraiškų teikimo klausimai. Ankstesniame valdybos posėdyje buvo nuspręsta finansuoti Dr. F. Montesi dalyvavimo WS-FM (Web Services and Formal Methods) konferencijoje kviestinio pranešėjo teisėmis išlaidas iš Veiklos lėšų. Veiklos vadovas pristatė, kad šis sprendimas patvirtintas COST centrinės valdybos irk ad keitėsi renginio vieta iš Haifos (Izraelis) jis buvo perkeltas į Eidhoveną (Olandija). Svarstant tolimesnius Darbo grupių planus Dr. S.Gay informavo, kad ankstesniam sprendimui nevykdyti Darbo grupių ir/ar Valdybos posėdžiu nuo 2014 balandžio iki 2015 birželio nebuvo pritarta COST centrinės valdybos, todėl iškilo poreikis perplanuoti biudžetą jame numatant ne tik šį susitikimą, bet ir dar vieną pirmoje 2015 m. pusėje. Siūlomos dvi galimos vietos: Londonas (JK) arba Novisadas (Serbija). Po diskusijų nuspręsta pasirinkti Londoną, nes tuo metu ten vyks ETAPS konferncija, o tai padėtų užtikrinti aktyvesnį Veiklos dalyvių dalyvavimą. Svarstant ilgalaikes perspektyvas diskutuotos galimos kito BEAT seminaro ir vasaros mokyklos vietos, tačiau sprendimo nuspręsta nepriimti, ji atidėti kitam Veiklos posėdžiui. Aptariant Veiklos viešinimo klausimą, Dr. S.Gay informavo, kad žurnale EU Research straipsnis apie BETTY pasirodys antroje metų pusėje (anksčiau buvo planuota, kad tai bus liepą) ir paprašė Komiteto narių dalyvius informuoti, jei jie savo ruožtu vykdo kokius nors viešinimo darbus (skaito viešąsias paskaitas, rašo mokslo populiarinimo straipsnius ar pasisako žiniasklaidoje). Diskutuojant apie galimybes dalyvauti HORIZON 2020 programos projektinėje veikloje, Dr. S.Gay Komitetą informavimo, kad anksčiau suformuotos daro grupės parengė paraiškas šiai programai: TIMBRE (Duomenų tipų vaidmuo atbulinėje programų sistemų inžinerijoje) ir ARCTIC (Autonominės gebančios prisitaikyti sistemos). TIMBRE projekto paraišką numatoma Busimųjų technologijų (angl. Future and Emerging Technologies) programai. Kadangi ARCTIC paraiškos rengimas buvo sustabdytas pasitraukus pagrindiniam verslo partneriui. Dr. S.Gay išreiškė viltį, kad ją rengiant suformuotos idėjos gali būti išgrynintos ir panaudotos kitoms paraiškoms bei tyrimams. Veiklos vadovas Komitetą informavimo, kad naujų paraiškų tapti Veiklos nariais negauta. Apibendrinta, kad kitas Veiklos valdybos susitikimas bus organizuojamas Londone, kaip konferencijos ETAPS 2016 dalis. COST IC1201 valdymo komiteto narys, Šiaulių universiteto docentas Dr. Vaidas Giedrimas

COST Office Avenue Louise 149 1050 Brussels, Belgium t: +32 (0)2 533 3800 f: +32 (0)2 533 3890 office@cost.eu www.cost.eu Rome, 31 August 2014 Subject Minutes of the Fifth Management Committee Meeting of COST Action IC1201 Behavioural Types for Reliable Large-Scale Software Systems (BETTY) Rome, Italy 31 August 2014 1. Welcome to participants The participants were welcomed by Dr Simon Gay, Chair of the Action. Dr Gay chaired the meeting. 2. Adoption of the agenda The agenda for the meeting was adopted (Annex 1). 17 parties were present, and so the meeting was quorate. 3. Approval of the minutes of the last meeting; matters arising from the minutes The minutes of the last meeting were approved. Under matters arising, Dr Gay said that there has been good progress with the State-of-the-Art Reports, and that draft or final versions of the reports from WGs 1, 2 and 3 are on the Action website. Dr Gay noted that it was necessary to reopen the discussion about meetings for 2015, and that this would be covered under item 8 of the agenda. 4. Update from the Action Chair Dr Gay reported that the Action has 22 parties, the same as at the time of the last meeting. Turkey s application to join was rejected by the previous MC meeting. Argentina s application to join as an International Partner Country was approved by the previous MC meeting and the administrative process is proceeding. Dr Gay summarised the budget for the second grant period, 1 st June 2014 31 st May 2015, which has been approved by the COST Office. The most significant items are the Training School (July 2014, 39.5k), the MC/WG meeting in Rome (August 2014, 31.5k), an MC/WG meeting in 2015 ( 30k), and STSMs ( 19.2k). Dissemination costs are 5.5k and overheads are 18.8k. The total budget is 144.5k. Concerning STSMs, Dr Gay reported that 5 STSMs have been completed since 1 st June and 1 has been approved and will start very soon. This year there is a system of deadlines for STSM applications, instead 1

of a continuous process. Dr Gay thanked the STSM coordinator, Dr Silvia Ghilezan, and the WG chairs, for their work on the STSM committee. He also reminded participants to acknowledge STSM funding in their publications. 5. Promotion of gender balance and of early stage researchers Dr Gay noted that BETTY activities continue to show a good gender balance and significant involvement of early stage researchers. Approximately 50% of STSMs have been by early stage researchers. 6. Annual Progress Conference (feedback from DC) Dr Gay reported that he attended the COST ICT Annual Progress Conference in Košice, Slovakia, from 23 rd -24 th April 2014. There was no particular feedback, except that we need to continue with regular WG/MC meetings and continue to focus on the objectives of the Action. Dr Gay presented statistics from the COST Office about the participation in Action activities by members from different countries, about the gender and age balance of activities, and about the relative amounts of reimbursements going to each country (Annex 2). The statistics did not include the Training School. Dr Gay also explained the COST policy that 50% of funds should be spent in inclusiveness countries. The participants in this Action include 11 inclusiveness countries, and continuing participation by members from those countries is encouraged. 7. Follow-up of MoU objectives (a) Working Group activity Dr Gay noted that the Working Group sessions during the morning and afternoon, before and after the MC meeting, were reporting on recent WG activity, especially research carried out during STSMs. It was agreed that the Action is making good progress towards its objectives. (b) Training School Dr Gay reported that the Training School, which took place in Lovran, Croatia during the first week of July, had been a success. 35 trainees attended, of whom 32 were funded by the Action. Lecture material, where available, has been published on the Training School website: summerschool2014.behaviouraltypes.eu. Dr Gay thanked the local organiser, Dr Tihana Galinac Grbac, for her work; the organising committee (Dr Dimitris Mostrous, Professor Jovanka Pantović, Dr António Ravara and Dr Neva Slani) for their advice; and the lecturers for their contribution. (c) Action Workshop: BEAT 2014 Dr Gay noted that the BEAT 2014 workshop would take place the next day, and thanked Dr Marco Carbone for his work as PC chair. The BEAT workshop and the EXPRESS/SOS workshop had a combined invited speaker, Professor Vladimiro Sassone of Southampton University, UK, who spoke about a computational model for the internet of things. This joint organisation with EXPRESS/SOS fulfilled our goal of organising a meeting about expressivity. Dr Carbone said that for the next BEAT workshop it would be useful to have two co-chairs, in order to make it easier to handle conflicts of interest between the PC and authors. 2

8. Scientific Planning (a) Presenting BETTY at the WS-FM (Web Services and Formal Methods) Workshop The previous MC meeting had agreed that it would be good for an Action member to contribute to the WS-FM workshop. Dr Fabrizio Montesi had been invited to give a keynote lecture, which would present BETTY as well as his own research. Dr Gay said that the COST Office had approved the use of Action funds to support Dr Montesi s trip to Eindhoven, Netherlands (the venue was changed from Haifa, Israel) in order to give the lecture, subject to approval by the MC. A vote was taken and approval was unanimous. (b) Future WG activity Dr Gay explained that the plan agreed at the previous MC meeting, which was to have no WG/MC meetings between April 2014 and June 2015, had not been allowed by the COST Office. It had therefore been necessary for the Work and Budget Plan to include a WG/MC meeting in August 2014 (this meeting) and another in the first half of 2015. Two suggestions had been made for the location of a WG/MC meeting in 2015: (1) as part of the ETAPS conference in London, UK; (2) Professor Silvia Ghilezan and Professor Jovanka Pantović had offered to organise a meeting in Novi Sad, Serbia. The meeting discussed these proposals, and it became clear that the preference of the MC was to organise a WG/MC meeting at ETAPS in April 2015. The main factor was that many Action members attend ETAPS, and therefore it would be easier to get good attendance at the WG/MC meeting. The MC felt that it would be difficult to persuade enough members to attend a separate meeting at a different time, because of the pressures of teaching and other activities. A vote was taken, which was unanimously in favour of meeting at ETAPS. Dr Gay will make the necessary arrangements with the ETAPS organisers. (c) Long-term planning Dr Gay noted that the second Training School will take place in 2016, and that we will start the process of choosing a location during 2015. Considering COST s goal of spending 50% of its budget in inclusiveness countries, the meeting agreed that we should try to organise the second Training School in one of those countries. The meeting suggested that organising BEAT 2015 as part of CONCUR in Madrid, Spain, would be a good possibility, but not the only possibility. We also discussed the possibility of organising a joint meeting with another Action, and the possibility of combining a WG/MC meeting with the Training School in 2016. There was no vote on these points; it was agreed to consider them after the meeting and to take a vote by email after further thought about suitable meetings dates and locations. (d) Dissemination planning (publications and outreach activities) Dr Gay reported that an article about BETTY will appear in the magazine EU Research in later in 2014. He also noted that he would be giving an invited talk at the TRENDS workshop the following weekend, and would promote the Action. Dr Gay reminded Action members to inform him about publications, projects and news, for the website. (e) Coordination of proposals for Horizon 2020 Dr Gay reported that two groups of Action members had been preparing Horizon 2020 proposals: one with the acronym TIMBRE, about type inference and reverse engineering, led by Dr Hans Hüttel; and one with the acronym ARCTIC, about autonomous and self-adaptive systems, now led by Professor Peter Thiemann. The ARCTIC proposal will be submitted as a FET project in September. The TIMBRE 3

proposal has been halted because the main industrial partner withdrew. It is hoped that similar ideas can be used for a different proposal at a later stage. 9. Requests for new members None. 10. Non-COST applications to the Action None. 11. Any Other Business None. 12. Location and Date of Next Meeting April 2015, as part of the ETAPS conference in London, UK. The exact date will depend on how we decide coordinate our meeting with the conference programme. 13. Summary of MC Decisions The summary of the MC decisions was left for the minutes. 14. Closing: Dr Gay thanked everyone for their participation. 4

Draft Agenda Management Committee Meeting COST Action no. IC1201 Action Title: Behavioural Types for Reliable Large-Scale Software Systems (BETTY) Venue Rome, Country Italy from 31 st August 2014 to 31 st August 2014 1. Welcome to participants 2. Adoption of agenda 3. Approval of minutes and matters arising of last meeting 4. Update from the Action Chair a. Status of Action, including participating countries b. Action budget status c. STSM status and new applications 5. Promotion of gender balance and of Early Stage Researchers (ESR) 6. Annual Progress Conference (feedback from DC) 7. Follow-up of MoU objectives a. Progress report of working groups 8. Scientific planning a. Scientific strategy b. Action Budget Planning c. Long-term planning (including anticipated locations and dates of future activities) d. Dissemination planning (Publications and outreach activities) 9. Requests for new members 10. Non-COST applications to the Actions 11. AOB 12. Location and date of next meeting 13. Summary of MC decisions 14. Closing


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