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PROGRAM SUMMARY AND CONFERENCE VENUES Thursday, May 26, 2005: National Museum, atrium 19:00-20:30 Plenary session 1. Opening of the Conference and keynote lecture Friday, May 27, 2005: School of Philosophy, University of Belgrade 9:00-10:45 Plenary session 2. Keynote lectures (Main auditorium) 11:00-13:00 Session 1 (Panels 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5) 15:00-17:00 Session 2 (Panels 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5) 17:30-19:00 Session 3 (Panels 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5) 20:00 Reception: City Hall of Belgrade Saturday, May 28, 2005: School of Philosophy, University of Belgrade 9:00-11:00 Session 4 (Panels 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6) 11:15-13:15 Session 5 (Panels 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6) 15:00-17:00 Session 6 (Panels 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6) 17:30-19:30 Plenary session 3. InASEA General Assembly (Main auditorium) 19:30-20:15 Mini Tour: Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade 20:15-21:15 Reception: Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade (Main exhibition hall) Sunday, May 29, 2005: School of Philosophy, University of Belgrade 9:00-10:30 Session 7 (Panels 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5) 10:45-12:15 Session 8 (Panels 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5) 12:30-13:30 Plenary session 4. Closing keynote lecture and discussion (Main auditorium) 3 rd InASEA CONFERENCE VENUES School of Philosophy, University of Belgrade Filozofski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, Čika Ljubina 18-20 (Main entrance from Vasina Street, next to Bookstore Plato, first floor): Main conference venue (All Panels, Plenary sessions 2, 3 & 4) National Museum Narodni muzej, Trg Republike 1a (Entrance from Vasina Street, atrium): Opening of the Conference, Plenary session 1. Ethnographic Museum Etnografski muzej, Studentski trg 13 (Main exhibition hall): Museum mini tour and cocktail. City Hall of Belgrade Skupština grada, Dragoslava Jovanovića 2 (Entrance from Pionirski park, across the Federal Assembly): cocktail. Hotel Royal, Kralja Petra 51: Hotel where participants accommodated by the conference organizers will reside. Hotel Kasina, Terazije 25, and Hotel Park, Njegoševa 4: Hotels where other participants will reside. 2

PROGRAM STRUCTURE TIME SESSIONS & PANELS Thursday, May 26, 2005 Plenary Session 1 19:00-20:30 Opening Keynote speech: Thomas Hengartner Friday, May 27, 2005 Plenary Session 2 9:00-10:45 Keynote speeches: Robert Hayden, Rajna Gavrilova 11:00-13:00 1.1 Urbanization as a historical process 1 1.2 Urban-rural ties 15:00-17:00 Harthmuth Kera Miletić Petrović S. 2.1 Urbanization as a historical process 2 Vučetić Milićević Luković Rèka Petreska Krăsteva- Blagoeva Janiskee & Radovanović 2.2 City vs. village 1 Marković Ristović Jansen 1.3 Communication in the city Fridman Antonijević & Hristić Marjanović Erdei 2.3 Migration 1 Stiuca Bada Koleva D. Hausmaninger 1.4 Time, travel and identity Preda & Vasiluta Duda Radojičić Greenberg 2.4 Exploring the city 1 Kaser Pemunta Cotoi Pušić 1.5 Place & memory 1 Lavrence Milanović Cojocari & Birladeanu Lafazanovski 2.5 Place & memory 2 Kostov & Petrović Branc Lubenova S. 17:30-19:00 3.1 Socialist city Brunnbauer Gulin Zrnić Horvath 3.2 City vs village 2 Stojanović D. Spasić Petrović T. 3.3 Migration 2 Bondžić Kodra-Hysa Cvetković Popović 3.4 Exploring the city 2 Petronijević Zerilli 3.5 Religious space and place Damljanović Aleksov Kalkandijeva

Saturday, May 28, 2005 4.1 Suburbia: processes & 9:00-11:00 phenomena Maksin-Mićić Briciou et al. Milić & Djokić Višnar 4.2 Family, kinship & gender 1 Papa-Pandele Fujii Ciolan & Ilie Ivanović 4.3 City & national identity Maxwell Perica Karamihova 4.4 Social inclusions/ exclusions 1 Stanoeva Inal O. Gruber Duijzings 4.5 Constructions & meanings of public space Avlijas & Monno Inan & Patsavos Djokić V. Coman 4.6 New technologies & the city Gavrilović Codorean Podošovnik 11:15-13:15 15:00-17:00 5.1 Trust & security Leutloff-Grandits Koci Mihay & Harriss 6.1 Commodities & consumption 5.2 Family, kinship & gender 2 Helms Petreska Petrova Pisac 6.2 Sexuality & gender 5.3 Urban identities Münnich Jerman Zlatkova Kalapoš-Gasparac 6.3 Urban communities 5.4 Social inclusions/ exclusions 2 Kaneff Sedmak Halili Dimova 6.4 Social inclusions/ exclusions 3 5.5 Commercialized places Hristov Ichimescu Tesar Siegel 6.5 Sociability & place 5.6 Culture of pubs and clubs Petre R. Bilsel Nagy & Colotelo Petrov 6.6 Actors, policies & power 17:30-19:30 Kovačević Radu Matić Fruntelata Plenary Session 3 InASEA General Assembly Žikić Bukov & Potkonjak Kantsa Svab Alexiu Kovač & Kovač Tomanović Larionescu Zavratnik Dalipaj Yilmaz Čvorović Vučinić Tirca Treitler Bugarič Duşa Otoiu Vujović 4

Sunday, May 29, 2005 7.1 9:00-10:30 Travel & leisure Taylor Scarbo Meehan Pedrotty 7.2 Urban pop culture 1 Lukić-Krstanović Voiculescu Hofman et al. Kronja 7.3 Football Kyurkchieva Stanković Žikić & Sinani 7.4 City & ethnicity Georgelin Pavlović Luleva et al. Stojanović L. 7.5 Reading urban landscape Djordjević Kazalarska Samardžić Onal & Zeybekoglu 10:45-12:15 12:30-13:30 8.1 Transport, borders, crossroads Prato Ditchev Ban Plenary Session 4 Closing Keynote speech: Keith Brown 8.2 Urban pop culture 2 Grujić M. Nagy T. Stoimenov 8.3 Urban youth Malešević Crvenkovska Risteski 8.4 City & religion Boyadjieva Iliescu Pavićević 8.5 Representations of city in art & literature Milutinović Vasiloiu Naumović 5

CONFERENCE PROGRAM COMMITTEE Milena Benovska-Săbkova, New Bulgarian University, Sofia, Bulgaria Ulf Brunnbauer, Free University of Berlin, Germany (Chair) Nicolae Constantinescu, University of Bucharest, Romania Christian Giordano, University of Fribourg, Switzerland Klaus Roth, University of Munich, Germany Enkeleida Tahiraj, University College London, United Kingdom Vesna Vučinić-Nešković, University of Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro CONFERENCE ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Senka Kovač, Department of Ethnology and Anthropology, U of Belgrade Slobodan Naumović, Department of Ethnology and Anthropology, U of Belgrade Mina Petrović, Department of Sociology, U of Belgrade Dubravka Stojanović, Department of History, U of Belgrade Danijela Velimirović, Department of Ethnology and Anthropology, U of Belgrade Vesna Vučinić-Nešković, Department of Ethnology and Anthropology, U of Belgrade (Chair) Bojan Žikić, Department of Ethnology and Anthropology, U of Belgrade Contact information: Vesna Vučinić-Nešković Department of Ethnology and Anthropology School of Philosophy, University of Belgrade Cika Ljubina 18-20, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro E-mail: phone: +381-11-3206-265, fax: +381-11-639-356 Ulf Brunnbauer Institute of East European Studies Free University of Berlin Garystrasse 55, 14195 Berlin, Germany E-mail: phone: +49-30-838-52028, fax: +49-30-838-54036 Internet:

PROGRAM Thursday, May 26 National Museum, atrium PLENARY SESSION 1 (19:00-20:30) Conference opening Keynote lecture: Thomas Hengartner, University of Hamburg, Germany. Friday, May 27 School of Philosophy, main auditorium. PLENARY SESSION 2 (9:00-10:45) Keynote lectures: Robert M. Hayden, University of Pittsburgh, USA. Rajna Gavrilova, University of Sofia, Bulgaria. School of Philosophy, lecture rooms (rooms 1 5: first floor, room 6: second floor) SESSION 1 (11:00-13:00) Panel 1.1 Urbanization as a historical process in Southeastern Europe (1) Room 1. 1. Hartmuth Maximilian (Koç University, Istanbul, Turkey): Europeanization of the post-ottoman cityscape in the Balkans: a comparative analysis of processes in Belgrade, Sofia and Sarajevo 1878--1918. 2. Kera Gentiana (Karl Franzens University of Graz, Austria): Living in a city in continuous transformation: Urban life in Tirana (1900 1939). 3. Miletić R. Aleksandar (Institute for the Recent History of Serbia, SCG): Urban life, cultural changes and modernization in the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, 1918 1928. 4. Petrović Sanja (Institute for Contemporary History in Belgrade, SCG): Traditional versus modern: the example of a small Serbian town between the Two World Wars. Panel 1.2 Urban-rural ties Room 2. 1. Réka Geambaşu (Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj, Romania): The Dynamics of Social Network-Management among Rural Immigrants. 2. Petreska Vesna (Marko Cepenkov Institute of folklore, Skopje, Macedonia): Urban and Rural Relationships in Kinship Relations. Examples of Macedonian migrant families. 3. Krăsteva-Blagoeva Evgenia (New Bulgarian University, Sofia, Bulgaria): Country House Owning: a ruralurban phenomenon in Bulgaria. 4. Janiskee Robert & Radovanović Olivera (The University of South Carolina, USA & Green Network of Vojvodina, SCG): Repairing the Urban-Rural Symbiosis in Vojvodina: Moj Salaš and Via Pacis Pannoniae. 7

Panel 1.3 Communication in the city Room 3. 1. Fridman Orli (George Mason University, USA): Public Urban Space and Alternative Voices: the Case of Women in Black. 2. Antonijević Dragana & Hristić Ljubomir (University of Belgrade, SCG): Graffiti: An urban phenomenon of anonymous and public expression of worldviews. 3. Marjanović Vesna (Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade, SCG): Mask and Disguising medium of communication in an urban environment. 4. Erdei Ildiko (University of Belgrade, SCG): Television, Rituals and Struggle for Public Memory in Serbia during the 1990s. Panel 1.4 Time, travel and identity Room 4. 1. Preda Sinziana & Vasiluta Marius (West University of Timisoara, Romania): Queuing up as an urban reality: an aggression against time. 2. Radojičić Dragana (Ethnographic Institute of Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, SCG): Urban Biorhythm of a Suburban Community. 3. Duda Igor (University of Rijeka, Croatia): Escaping the City: leisure travel in the 1950s and 1960s Croatia. 4. Greenberg Jessica (University of Chicago, USA): On the Road to Normal: Discourses of Travel in Serbia and Montenegro. Panel 1.5 Place and memory (1) Room 5. 1. Lavrence Christine (Université Laval, Canada): Negotiating Catastrophe Tourism in Belgrade and Sarajevo. 2. Milanović Vesna (University of Surrey, UK): Place and Memory. 3. Cojocari Ljudmila & Birladeanu Virgiliu (Independent International University of Moldova, Chisinau, Moldova): Metamorphoses of Collective Memory and National Identity Reflected in»lieux de memoire«of the Post-soviet Capital City. The Case of Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. 4. Lafazanovski Ermis (Institute of Folklore, Skopje, Macedonia): Spaces of Utopia and Places of Nostalgia: Towards research of contemporary culture in the city of Skopje. SESSION 2 (15:00-17:00) Panel 2.1 Urbanization as a historical process in Southeastern Europe (2) Room 1. 1. Vučetić Radina (Institute for the Recent History of Serbia, Belgrade, SCG): Belgrade a patriarchal town or a modern city? 2. Milićević Nataša (Institute of the Recent History of Serbia, Belgrade, SCG): The historical development of the Serbian civic community till 1944/45. 3. Luković Jovica (Free University of Berlin, Germany): The Social Map of the City: Urban Answers to Workers of Peasant Origin in Southeastern Europe. 8

Panel 2.2 City vs. village: Ideological aspects of urbanization in the Balkans (1) Room 2. 1. Marković Predrag (Institute of Contemporary History, Belgrade, SCG): Two Contrasted Myths: Rural Arcadia versus Urban Metropolis The Perception of Village-City Relations in 19 th and 20 th Century Serbian Culture. 2. Ristović Milan (University of Belgrade, SCG): City in the Ideology of the Serbian Radical Right, 1941 1944. 3. Jansen Stef (University of Manchester, UK): White Socks and Modernity: Post-Yugoslav Urban Nostalgia. Panel 2.3 Migration to the city and adaptation to urban life (1) Room 3. 1. Stiuca Narcisa (University of Bucharest, Romania): The Ways to the Town. 2. Bada Konstantina (University of Ioannina, Greece): From the Mountain Villages to the Cities. The experience and the memory of the women s migration. 3. Koleva Daniela (St Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia, Bulgaria): Rural-Urban Migration in the Normal Biography. 4. Hausmaninger Anna (Karl Franzens University of Graz, Austria): Transnational Aspects of Urbanization. A Macedonian Case Study. Panel 2.4 Exploring the city: past, present, future (1) Room 4. 1. Kaser Karl (Karl Franzens University of Graz, Austria): Historical anthropology of the city a new and exciting challenge. 2. Pemunta Ngambouk Vitalis (Central European University, Budapest, Hungary): Negotiating a Reconceptualisation of the Urban and Rural in the Social Sciences. 3. Cotoi Calin (University of Bucharest, Romania): Urban versus rural in Southeastern Europe. Different traditions, different modernities, different sciences? 4. Pušić Ljubinko (University of Novi Sad, SCG): Urban Life as Everyday Life: the Cultural Context. 2.5 Place and memory (2) Room 5. 1. Kostovicova Denisa & Petrović Mina (London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK & University of Belgrade, SCG): Reading Identity from the City: Interpreting NATO Ruins in Belgrade. 2. Branc Simona (West University of Timişoara, Romania): Memory, identity and cultural diversity in the city of Timişoara. 3. Lubenova Stefka (York University, Toronto, Canada): Train stations: history, memory and renewal. 9

SESSION 3 (17:30-19:00) Panel 3.1 Socialist city Room 1. 1. Brunnbauer Ulf (Free University of Berlin, Germany): The City of the Youth. Dimitrovgrad and the Building of Socialism in Bulgaria. 2. Gulin Zrnić Valentina (Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research, Zagreb, Croatia): The community within a community in New Zagreb. 3. Horváth Sándor (Institute of History of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary): The Knife-Thrower and the Gold Star: Pubs and Social Identities in the First Socialist City in Hungary. Panel 3.2 City vs. village: Ideological aspects of urbanization in the Balkans (2) Room 2. 1. Stojanović Dubravka (University of Belgrade, SCG): Village vs. City: Antiurbanization discourse and ideology in Serbia at the beginning of 20 th century. 2. Spasić Ivana (University of Belgrade & Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, Belgrade, SCG): Asfalt: Constructions of Being Urban in Lay Discourses. 3. Petrović Tanja (Institute for Balkan Studies, Belgrade, SCG): Urban vs. Rural in Language Ideology of Speakers of Contemporary Serbian Language. Panel 3.3 Migration to the city and adaptation to urban life (2) Room 3. 1. Bondžić Dragomir (Institute of Contemporary History, Belgrade, SCG): The Province Students in Belgrade after the Second World War. 2. Kodra-Hysa Armanda (Institute of Folklore, Tirana, Albania): Regional and religious tolerance the bases for mutual understanding between immigrant and autochthonous populations in the city of Tirana. 3. Cvetković Marina (Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade, SCG): Migrants and contemporary weaving craft in cities of Serbia (1991--2004): the case of women refugees from former Yugoslavia. 4. Popović Dragan (Humanitarian Law Center, Belgrade, SCG): Some Observations of the Peasant life in Towns Is the Adaptation Possible? Panel 3.4 Exploring the city: past, present, future (2) Room 4. 1. Petronijević Edita (University of Rijeka, Croatia): The Unspoken Word Rijeka: potential or effective urban space. 2. Zerilli Filippo (University of Cagliari, Italia): Ethnographic locations. Reflections on doing fieldwork in urban/rural postsocialist Romania. 10

Panel 3.5 Religious space and place Room 5. 1. Damljanović Tanja (Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Serbia, Belgrade, SCG): St. Sava and St. Anthony: Byzantine Origins for Two Christianities. 2. Aleksov Bojan (Central European University, Budapest, Hungary): St. Sava Church in Belgrade: History of National, Urban and Architectural Failure. 3. Kalkandijeva Daniela (St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia, Bulgaria). The Places of God in Bulgarian Cities Under Communism. 20:00 Reception: City Hall of Belgrade Saturday, May 28 SESSION 4 (9:00-11:00) Panel 4.1 Suburbia: processes and phenomena Room 1. 1. Maksin-Mićić Marija (Institute of Architecture and Urban and Spatial Planning of Serbia, Belgrade, SCG): Central versus peri-urban regions planning and implementation. 2. Briciou Cosmin, Popescu Raluca & Virdol Amalia (University of Bucharest & Anti-Poverty and Social Inclusion Promotion Commission, Bucharest, Romania): Urbanization in Romania: patterns and dilemmas. 3. Milić Vladimir & Djokić Jasna (University of Belgrade, SCG): Informal Urbanization in Postsocialist Serbia: Urbanism without Urbanists, Architecture without Limits. 4. Višnar Katarina (Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Slovenia): Evaluating the Spatial Context of the Suburban: The Case of Ljubljana East. Panel 4.2 Urban family, kinship and gender (1) Room 2. 1. Papa-Pandelejmoni Enriketa (Karl Franzens University of Graz, Austria): Family life in Shkodra: First half of the 20 th century. 2. Fujii Gen (University College London, UK): Changing Materialization of Family in Gjirokastër, Southern Albania. 3. Ciolan Narcisa & Ilie Magdalena (West University of Timişoara, Romania): A family for the city or a city for the family? 4. Ivanović Zorica (University of Belgrade): Kinship and Urban Culture: towards a new paradigm. Panel 4.3 City and national identity Room 3. 1. Maxwell Alexander (University of Wales, Swansea, UK): Budapest and Thessaloniki as Slavic Cities. 2. Perica Vjekoslav (University of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA): Young Croatia and the City of Split at 1700. Conflicting Constructions of the National and the Local in Croatia, 1990 2005. 3. Karamihova Margarita (Institute of Ethnography, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Sofia & University of Sofia, Bulgaria): Myths of nation-building after socialism: how one local folk song leads national ideology, while simultaneously creating a new nation-building strategy. 11

Panel 4.4 Social inclusions/exclusions in the urban society (1) Room 4. 1. Stanoeva Elitza (Centrum for Metropolitan Research, Berlin, Germany): Social Differentiation Translated into Spatial Arrangement (Sofia, 1878 1924): From Ethnically Enclosed Neighborhoods towards Classdivided Residential Quarters. 2. Inal Onur (Koç University, Istanbul, Turkey): Nationalism as a tool of social and cultural change throughout the urbanization process of Istanbul in the post-ottoman period. 3. Gruber Siegfried (Karl Franzens University of Graz, Austria): The quarters of Shkodra in 1918: Differences and similarities. 4. Duijzings Ger (University College London, UK): Balkanising urban space in the Netherlands. What about the Balkans? Panel 4.5 Constructions and meanings of public space Room 5. 1. Avlijas Natasa & Monno Valeria (Universita degli Studi Roma Tre & Politecnico di Bari, Italy): Democracy and planning practices in western Balkan cities: emerging meanings of public urban spaces in Split, Croatia. 2. Inan Derin & Patsavos Nikolaos (Architectural Association Graduate School of Architecture, London, UK): Istanbul Plaji. The suburban Istanbul beach as a place for the construction of modern Turkish identity. 3. Djokić Vladan (University of Belgrade, SCG): Urban and Cultural Identity of Serbian Cities Regarding the Phenomenon of the Serbian City Square. 4. Coman Gabriela (Université de Montréal, Québec, Canada): Social Construction of Cluj-Napoca s Central Plazas. Panel 4.6 New technologies and the city Room 6. 1. Gavrilović Ljiljana (Institute of Ethnography, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, SCG): Internet: Overcoming the Distance Between Urban and Rural Culture. 2. Codorean Gabriela (West University of Timişoara, Romania): The Influence of New Informational Technologies on Gender Relationships in the City. 3. Podovšovnik Eva (University of Primorska, Slovenia): Digital divide among Slovenian youngsters. SESSION 5 (11:15-13:15) Panel 5.1 Trust and security in the city Room 1. 1. Leutloff-Grandits Carolin (Karl Franzens University of Graz, Austria): The role of kin in child-care in urban Croatia: the example of Zagreb. 2. Koci Arianit (BBC World Service in London, UK): Rebirth of an Idea: Community Policing in Albania. 3. Mihaylova Dimitrina & Harriss John (University of Oxford & London School of Economics, UK): City Networks, Trust and Economic Development: an Ethnography of the Advertising Agencies in Sofia, Bulgaria. 12

Panel 5.2 Urban family, kinship and gender (2) Room 2. 1. Helms Elissa (Central European University, Budapest, Hungary): Only Peasants (and Policemen?) Hit their Wives: Masculinity, Domestic Violence and Rural/Urban Identities in a Bosnian Town. 2. Petrova Ivanka (Ethnographic Institute and Museum at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria): Geschlechtsrollen in einem internationalen Unternehmen in Sofia. 3. Pisac Andrea (University of London, UK): Singlehood as a Rite of Passage in Postcommunist Croatia. Panel 5.3 Urban identities Room 3. 1. Münnich Nicole (University of Leipzig, Germany): Ambiguous urban identity Belgrade in the socialist era. 2. Jerman Katja (Institute of Slovene Ethnology, Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Ljubljana, Slovenija). Analyzing city s identity through its monuments and street names. The case of Nova Gorica. 3. Zlatkova Meglena (Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria): The city in transition a Bulgarian case. 4. Kalapoš Gasparac Sanja (Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research, Zagreb, Croatia): City s Images through the Looking Glass. Panel 5.4 Social inclusions/exclusions in the urban society (2) Room 4. 1 Kaneff Deema (Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle/Saale, Germany): Properties for Sale: British Migration to Bulgaria and EU Integration. 2. Sedmak Mateja (University of Primorska; Faculty of Humanities of Koper, Slovenia): Social Inclusion/Exclusion of Immigrant Groups in Urban Slovenia: a case study of Istria. 3. Halili Rigels (University College London, UK): The coming of the Chechens. Changes of urban life in an Albanian town. 4. Dimova Rozitza (Max Planck Instiute for Social Anthropology, Halle/Sale, Germany): On Similarity and Fear: Spatial Transformations of Class and Ethnicity in Contemporary Macedonia. Panel 5.5 Commercialized places Room 5. 1. Hristov Petko (Ethnographic Institute with Museum Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria): The Market and the Piazza for Hired Hands in Sofia as Places to Exchange Cultural Stereotypes. 2. Ichimescu Dan (University of Bucharest, Romania): Urban space and place: Entering the supermarket. 3. Tesar Catalina (University of Bucharest & National School of Political Sciences and Public Administration, Bucharest, Romania): Shopping for human relationships. 4. Siegel Allan (Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts, Budapest, Hungary): From market halls to hypermarkets: the social space of food shopping. 13

Panel 5.6 Culture of pubs and clubs Room 6. 1. Petre Raluca (Ovidius University of Constanţa, Romania): Reconfiguring leisure in the city: pub culture in Constanta. 2. Bilsel Hande (Bahçeşehir University, Istanbul, Turkey): Exploration of the Middle Class Urban Youth Cultures vis-à-vis a Flux of Leisure Consumption in Istanbul: Night Life Scene in the Turn of the Millennium. 3. Nagy Raluca, Colotelo Cristina (National School of Political Sciences and Administration, Bucharest, Romania): Clubbing in Bucharest: networks and practices around electronic music. 4. Petrov Petăr (Institut für Volkskunde, München, Germany): Ein Lokal ohne Balkan-Papagei ist wie ein Baum ohne Laub. Zur öffentlichen Verwendung und Rezeption politischer Karikaturen in Bulgarien. SESSION 6 (15:00-17:00) Panel 6.1 Commodities and consumption Room 1. 1. Kovačević Ivan (University of Belgrade, SCG): The Belgrade Kiosk between Economics and Politics. 2. Radu Cosmin (University of Bucharest, Romania): The dynamics of urban marketplaces in post-socialism: fragmentation, expansion, and regulatory practices in Bucharest. 3. Matić Miloš (Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro): Urban Economy in a Rural Manner. 4. Fruntelata Ioana-Ruxandra (University of Bucharest, Romania): A Second-hand Book Community in Bucharest, Romania. Panel 6.2 Sexuality and gender Room 2. 1. Žikić Biljana (Graduate School of Humanities, Ljubljana, Slovenia): Representation of urban woman - Comparative analysis of Serbian and Slovenian transitional press. 2. Bukovčan Zufika Tanja & Potkonjak Sanja (University of Zagreb, Croatia): Stranger in the City: Commercialised womanhood on city billboards. 3. Kantsa Venetia (University of Aegean, Greece): Strolling and holding hands in the center of Athens: Samesex sexualities in urban contexts. 4. Švab Alenka (University of Primorska & University of Ljubljana, Slovenia): Public homophobia and privatisation of homosexuality everyday life of gays and lesbians in Slovenia. Panel 6.3 Urban communities Room 3. 1. Alexiu Teodor Mircea (West University of Timişoara, Romania): Neighborhood Relationships in the Blocks of Flats in Romanian Urban Environment. 2. Kovač Senka & Kovač Jelena (University of Belgrade, SCG): The old courtyards of Belgrade: places where ethnology meets architecture. 3. Tomanović Smiljka (University of Belgrade, SCG): Meaning and Significance of Community for Children: Study in Three Belgrade Urban Settings. 4. Larionescu Sanda (Musée National du Village Dimitrie Gusti de Bucarest & Université de Bucarest, Roumanie): Sociabilité et solidarité au sein d un voisinage restreint de ville de Giurgiu, Roumanie. 14

Panel 6.4 Social inclusions/exclusions in the urban society (3) Room 4. 1. Zavratnik Zimić Simona (University of Primorska, Slovenia): Framing Migrant s Existence on the Margins of Urban Life. 2. Dalipaj Gerda (Institute of Folk Culture, Albanian Academy of Sciences, Tirana, Albania): Roma communities in Elbasan In and Out. 3. Yilmaz Bediz (Institut Francais d Urbanisme, Paris 8 University, France & Mersin University, Turkey): The dialectics of exclusion and inclusion in the example of Kurdish conflict-induced migrants living in an Istanbul slum. 4. Čvorović Jelena (Institute of Ethnography, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, SCG & Arizona State University, Tempe, USA): Urbaneness among Gypsies in Serbia. Panel 6.5 Sociability and place Room 5. 1. Vučinić-Nešković Vesna (University of Belgrade, SCG): Corso: the total phenomenon in towns of Serbia and Montenegro. 2. Tirca Miruna (National School of Political and Administrative Sciences, Bucharest, Romania): City representations through public space uses three case studies from Bucharest. 3. Treitler Inga (The Terranova Group, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA): Hanging a Clothesline in Dubrovnik: Meeting Private Needs in Public Places. Panel 6.6 Actors, policies and power Room 6. 1. Bugarič Boštjan (University of Primorska, Slovenia): Urban Space between Action and Stagnation: Public Interventions as a Communication Link between Public and Private Space. 2. Duşa Ioana-Alexandra (University of Bucharest, Romania): Somewhere between urban and rural: consequences for the members of a small urban community. 3. Otoiu Damiana Gabriela (Université de Bucarest, Roumanie): La reconstruction de la propriété en Roumanie post-communiste. Acteurs et stratégies. 4. Vujović Sreten (Université de Belgrade, SCG): Les Acteurs des Changements Urbaine en Serbie. Main auditorium. PLENARY SESSION 3 (17:30-19:30) InASEA General Assembly 19:30 21.15 Mini Tour and Reception, Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade 15

Sunday, May 29 SESSION 7 (9:00-10:30) Panel 7.1 Travel and leisure in the making of socialist citizens Room 1. 1. Taylor Karin (Karl Franzens University of Graz, Austria): Tourism and Leisure Culture in Socialist Yugoslavia: 1960s and 70s. 2. Scarabo Christofer (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA): Mapping Socialist Subjectivity: Reading the City Through Proximate Tourism. 3. Meehan Pedrotty Kate (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA): Visiting the Socialist Capital: Tourism and Cosmopolitan Identity in Belgrade, 1950 1980. Panel 7.2 Urban pop culture (1) Room 2. 1. Lukić-Krstanović Miroslava (Ethnographic Institute of the Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, SCG): City Spectacles in Belgrade: Popular Music and Ideologies. 2. Voiculescu Cerasela (University of Bucharest, Romania): Music and Post-socialist Lifestyles in Bucharest. 3. Hofman Ana, Marković Aleksandra & Tarabić Iva (University of Arts & Center for Balkan Music Research, Belgrade, SCG): Roma-musicians as a hidden class in the urban cultural environment. 4. Kronja Ivana (University of Arts, Belgrade): New Urban Trends in Serbia, 1990 2004: From Urban Life to Popular Culture and Vice Versa. Panel 7.3 Football: political uses and meanings Room 3. 1. Stankovič Peter (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia): Sport, Nationalism and the Shifting Meanings of Football in Slovenia. 2. Kyurkchieva Iva (Ethnographic Institute and Museum BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria): Football and Political Symbolism in Bulgaria during 1980s and 1990s. 3. Žikić Bojan & Sinani Danijel (University of Belgrade, SCG): How to Place the City? Urban Topography in the Organizational Agenda of the Serbian Football Association. Panel 7.4 City and ethnicity Room 4. 1. Georgelin Herve (École Française d Athènes, Greece): Transformed Athens and Thessalonica: The impact of Asia Minor refugees on urban life, a social history. 2. Pavlović Mirjana (Ethnographic Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, SCG): Centre-Periphery. Ethnicity of Serbs in Timişoara. 3. Luleva Ana, Boncheva Tsvetana & Pimpireva Jenja (Institute of Ethnography with Museum, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria): Constructing Identities in a Border Area. Intercultural Gender Relations: the Bulgarian Greek case. 4. Stojanović-Lafazanovska Lidija (Marko Cepenkov Institute of Folklore, Skopje, Macedonia): Dazwischen: Mentalitätsveränderung und Hysteresis des Habitus. 16

Panel 7.5 Reading the urban landscape Room 5. 1. Djordjević Jelena (University of Belgrade, SCG): Imaginary and Real Belgrade. 2. Samardžić Nikola (University of Belgrade, SCG): A Pavement Brigandage. Deurbanizing Belgrade. 3. Kazalarska Svetla (St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia, Bulgaria): Gazing at the City from the Window of the Public Transportation Bus. 4. Onal Feride & Zeybekoglu Senem (Yıldız Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey): The Sustainability of Cultural Identity in Context of Urban Space: Turkey/Bolvadin, Case Study. SESSION 8 (10:45-12:15) Panel 8.1 Transport, borders, crossroads Room 1. 1. Prato Giuliana B. (University of Kent, UK): From via Egnatia to Corridor Eight. Balkan Cities in East-West Encounters. 2. Ditchev Ivaylo (St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia, Bulgaria): Cities on Borders. Symbolic Geography of EU Accession. 3. Bán David (Eotvos Lorand University of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary): The Role of the Railway station in the Urban Society: Budapest Keleti Station. Panel 8.2 Urban pop culture (2) Room 2. 1. Grujić Marija (Central European University, Budapest, Hungary): Urban identities in popular culture of post-socialist Serbia: Symbolic appropriations and exclusions of the rural. 2. Nagy Terezia (Centre for Regional Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary): The city as a theatre of subcultures looking for interpretation. 3. Stoimenov Ivaylo (Sofia University, Bulgaria): Sons of Wind: The Rockers subculture in Contemporary Bulgaria. Panel 8.3 Urban youth Room 3. 1. Malešević Miroslava (Institute of Ethnography, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, SCG): The Revival of Religion and its Impact on Collective Identity in Post-communist Serbia. 2. Crvenkovska-Risteska Ines (Sts. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje, Macedonia): Urban Youth in Macedonia and the Question of HIV/AIDS: Sex/Gender Implications. 3. Risteski Ljupčo (Sts. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje, Macedonia): Anthropological Research of (Non)Discrimination Comprehension among Macedonian Youth. Panel 8.4 City and religion Room 4. 1. Boyadjieva Elia (St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia, Bulgaria): The role and position of Orthodox clergymen in Bulgarian city life social and cultural aspects. 2. Iliescu Laura Jiga (Constantin Brailoiu Institute of Ethnography and Folkolore of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania): The Pilgrims and the City. 3. Pavićević Aleksandra (Ethnographic Institute, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, SCG): Cremation as New Age Urban Phenomenon: From Ecology to Ideology. 17

Panel 8.5 Representations of city in art and literature Room 5. 1. Milutinović Zoran (University College London, UK): Miloš Crnjanski s European Cities. 2. Vasiloiu Ionut (Ecole Doctorale Regionale en Sciences Sociales, Bucharest, Romania): Urbanism and Science Fiction Literature. The Soviet Model Imported in Romania. 3. Naumović Slobodan (University of Belgrade, SCG): Images of Belgrade and the Idea of Urbanity in the Serbian Culture Wars during the 1980s and 1990s. Main auditorium. PLENARY SESSION 4 (12:30-13:30) Closing keynote speech: Keith Brown, Brown University, USA. Sponsored by WENNER-GREN FOUNDATION FOR ANTHROPOLOGICAL RESEARCH (USA) & MINISTRY OF SCIENCES OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA & STABILITY PACT FOR SOUTH-EASTERN EUROPE 18