Priedas Nr. 3 Įvesti duomenys Na- smūgių dažnumas į 1km' Na= 2 v 4 4 C2= 1 - objekto konstrukcija L- objekto ilgis L= 24 C3= 1 - objekto vertė W- objekto plotis W= 12 C4= 1 - žmonių kiekis objekte H- objekto aukštis H= 12 C5= 1 - smūgio pasekmės C1- aplinkos įvertinimas C1= 0,5 Skaičiavimas: Ng=Na/2,2 Ng= 1,8 Ngmax=2*Ng Ngmax= 3,6 L*W= 288 6*H= 72 L+W= 36 6*H(L+W)= 2592 PI= 3,141592654 9*PI= 28,27433388 H*H= 144 9*PI*H*H= 4071,504079 Ad=L*W+6*H(L+W)+9*3,14*H*H Ad= 6951,50408 - saugomo objekto konfiguracija Nd=Ngmax*Ad*C1*10-6 Nd= 0,01251271 - laukiamas smūgių dažnumas į pastatą C=C2*C3*C4*C5 C= 1 1/C= 1 10-3= 0,001 Nc=5,5*10-3/C Nc= 0,0055 - priimtas smugių dažnumas į pastatą 1/Nd= 79,9187556 Nc/Nd= 0,439553156 PASTATO APSAUGOS NUO ŽAIBO KLASĖS SKAIČIAVIMAS E=1-Nc/Nd E= 0,56044684 - pastato apsaugos nuo žaibo patikimumas pagal STR 2.01.06:2009 p.11 (1 lentelę) Apsaugos klasės pagal STR 2.01.06:2009 p.11 (1 lentelę): Patikimumas Klasė E>0,99 I 0,91<E<0,99 II 0,84<E<0,91 III 0<E<0,84 IV Skaičiuojamo objekto: "Policijos nuovados pastato (Un. Nr. 4597-0002-1014) Ignalinoje, Vasario 16-osios g. 11" apsaugos nuo žaibo klasė - IV (arba aukštesnė) Pastaba: Rizikos skaičiavimas pateikiamas priede Nr.4
NORME INTERNATIONALE CEI IEC INTERNATIONAL 62305-2 STANDARD Edition-1 2005-01 Results for collection areas and frequencies: Ad - collection area of direct strikes to the structure Nd - expected annual number of direct strikes to the structure Am - collection area of structure influenced by induced overvoltages from indirect strikes Nm - expected annual number of strikes direct to ground or to grounded objects near the structure inducing overvoltages Ac1 - collection area of overhead lines from direct strikes NL1 - expected annual number of direct strikes to the overhead line which are potentially dangerous Al1 - collection area of overhead lines to indirect strikes NI1 - expected annual number of indirect strikes to ground near the overhead line which induce damaging overvoltages Ac2 - collection area of underground lines from direct strikes Nl2 - expected annual number of strikes direct to the underground lines which are potentially dangerous Al2 - collection area of underground lines to indirect strikes NI2 - expected annual number of indirect strikes to ground near the underground line which induce damaging overvoltages 6.952 m2 0,028 flashes/year 214.638 m2 0,831 flashes/year 34.704 m2 0,139 flashes/year 1.000.000 m2 0,400 flashes/year 21.556 m2 0,086 flashes/year 559.017 m2 0,224 flashes/year Type 1 - Loss of Human Life: RA1 - risk of dangerous touch and step potentials inside and outside the structure from a direct strike to the structure RB1 - risk of destruction due to fire, explosion, mechanical, chemical damage from a direct strike to the structure RC1 - risk of electrical / electronic equipment failure due to overvoltage from a direct strike to the structure RM1 - risk of electrical / electronic equipment failure due to overvoltage from an indirect strike to the structure RU1 - risk of dangerous touch and step potentials inside and outside the structure from a direct strike to the service lines RV1 - risk of destruction due to fire, explosion, mechanical, chemical damage from a direct strike to the service lines RW1 - risk of electrical / electronic equipment failure due to overvoltage from a direct strike to the service lines RZ1 - risk of electrical / electronic equipment failure due to overvoltage from an indirect strike to the service lines 2,78E-08 2,22E-07 8,34E-09 2,49E-07 6,75E-09 2,70E-07 6,75E-08 1,20E-07 Type 2 - Loss of Essential Public Services: RB2 - risk of destruction due to fire, explosion, mechanical, chemical damage from a direct strike to the structure RC2 - risk of electrical / electronic equipment failure due to overvoltage from a direct strike to the structure RM2 - risk of electrical / electronic equipment failure due to overvoltage from an indirect strike to the structure RV2 - risk of destruction due to fire, explosion, mechanical, chemical damage from a direct strike to the service lines RW2 - risk of electrical / electronic equipment failure due to overvoltage from a direct strike to the service lines RZ2 - risk of electrical / electronic equipment failure due to overvoltage from an indirect strike to the service lines Type 3 - Loss of Cultural Heritage: RB3 - risk of destruction due to fire, explosion, mechanical, chemical damage from a direct strike to the structure RV3 - risk of destruction due to fire, explosion, mechanical, chemical damage from a direct strike to the service lines Type 4 - Economic Loss: RA4 - risk of dangerous touch and step potentials inside and outside the structure from a direct strike to the structure RB4 - risk of destruction due to fire, explosion, mechanical, chemical damage from a direct strike to the structure RC4 - risk of electrical / electronic equipment failure due to overvoltage from a direct strike to the structure RM4 - risk of electrical / electronic equipment failure due to overvoltage from an indirect strike to the structure RU4 - risk of dangerous touch and step potentials inside and outside the structure from a direct strike to the service lines RV4 - risk of destruction due to fire, explosion, mechanical, chemical damage from a direct strike to the service lines RW4 - risk of electrical / electronic equipment failure due to overvoltage from a direct strike to the service lines RZ4 - risk of electrical / electronic equipment failure due to overvoltage from an indirect strike to the service lines 2,22E-06 8,34E-07 2,49E-05 2,70E-06 6,75E-06 1,20E-05 IEC Risk Assessment Calculator: Version 1.0.3 Database: Version 1.0.3 NC IEC Central Office Support (Tel: +41-22-919 0211) Copyright 2005, IEC. All rights reserved. The IEC lightning risk assessment calculator is intended to assist in the analysis of various criteria to determine the risk of loss due to lightning. It is not possible to cover each special design element that may render a structure more or less susceptible to lightning damage. In special cases, personal and economic factors may be very important and should be considered in addition to the assessment obtained by use of this tool. It is intended that this tool be used in conjunction with the written standard IEC62305-2.
Techninis projektas Policijos komisariato pastato (un. Nr. 4597-0002-1014) ir garažų (un. Nr. 4597-0002-1020, 4597-5003-1018, 4597-0002-1042, 4597-0002-1031) Ignalinoje, Vasario 16-osios g. 11, kapitalinio remonto ir aplinkos sutvarkymo techninis projektas Eil. Nr. Suderinimų sąrašas Pridedamas suderinimų sarašas, pažymintis, jog žemiau išvardintų dalių projektiniai sprendiniai yra tarpusavyje suderinti. Atlikėjas Projekto dalių Projekto dalių pavadinimai numeracija Parašas 1 28-TP-KR-SP Sklypo sutvarkymo (sklypo plano) dalis PDV V.Pavardė G. Beržinienė 2 28-TP-KR-SA Architektūros dalis G. Beržinienė 3 28-TP-KR-ŠT Šildymo dalis J. Levickaitė 4 28-TP-KR-VOK Vėdinimo, oro kondicionavimo dalis L. Sakalauskienė 5 28-TP-KR-VN Vandentiekio ir nuotekų dalis A. Jermakovas 6 28-TP-KR-E Elektrotechnika. L. Bliujus 7 28-TP-KR-AS Apsauginė signalizacija L. Bliujus 8 28-TP-KR-ER Elektroninių ryšių dalis L. Bliujus 9 28-TP-KR-GSS Gaisrinės signalizacijos dalis L. Bliujus Atestato Nr. 6606 1148 PV G. Beržinienė 2013 Policijos nuovados pastato (Un. Nr. 4597-0002-1014) ir garažų (Un. Nr. 4597-0002-1020, 4597-5003-1018, 4597-0002-1042, 4597-0002-1031) Ignalinoje, Vasario 16-osios g. 11 kapitalinio remonto ir aplinkos sutvarkymo projektas Laida SUDERINIMŲ SĄRAŠAS 0 TP UŽSAKOVAS-TURINTIS STATYTI TEISĘ ASMUO: Utenos apskrities vyriausiasis policijos komisariatas 28-TP-KR Lapas Lapų 1 1